Thursday, March 22, 2012

Open Data Is On The Rise

With the influx of technology and subsequent data, more and more cities are leaning towards opening all that data to the public. The City of Chicago opened its data in 2011 to further engage with citizens on a more even level. As a result, the outcome for Chicago has been extremely positive. Chicago Mayor Emmanuel even stated that the open data policy has added a new sense of passion and enthusiasm among city staff and the community. 

On the heels of cities like Chicago, New York City has now decided to join the ranks of the open data movement.  On February 29th, 2012 the City Council approved legislation that effectively mandates their departments to publicly publish their data online. Over the next 6 years, the city will be phasing all of their agencies to add information to the city's OpenData site. The site is meant to be easily accessible by the public with the ability to download the information. The goal is to increase transparency, knowledge and community engagement between the city and its residents.

The open data movement shows no signs of slowing down and here at PublicStuff, we're here to help! Our system helps to store and organize massive amounts of data into a streamlined, organized suite. The addition of our recent ESRI integration, helps to further enhance the amount of data your city has access to. If you want to hear more about how you can access even more data with ESRI, or if you have questions regarding the data we're able to collect and how it can best work for your needs, feel free to contact us at   

New York City's OpenData Site

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