Thursday, February 23, 2012

Invisible Data: How Cities are Tapping Into It To Make Data Driven Decisions

Your cell phone is smart. Really smart. No, I’m not talking just about Siri’s ability to find you Chinese food at any time of the day or her amusing and witty banter that keeps you entertained – I’m talking about the aggregated data your cell phone is collecting 24-7. That data has real value to it and it’s helping to transform the way cities handle every day issues.

For example, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in North Carolina is utilizing cell phone GPS technology to identify traffic patterns and make recommendations on commuting routes. Here’s how it works. When you’re in your car for your daily commute, presumably, your cell phone is right there with you and sending that information to a satellite hovering overhead.  So the satellite is collecting this information not only from your phone, but from thousands of other phones and picking up an enormous amount of information on congestion, traffic patterns and much more.

The massive amounts of data being collected above us has inspired many start-ups, like AirSage, that have later contracted with government organizations like MPO to conduct traffic pattern studies with much more accuracy. Previously, traffic studies would cost $300,000 annually and consist of someone literally driving around the city and reporting back traffic patterns. When MPO contracted with AirSage to do a traffic pattern study, it cost a mere $25,000 and saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars.  

If North Carolina could save hundreds of thousands of dollars by just tapping into cell phone data that was already there – imagine the possibilities. The data is there, you just need to find a way to uncover it.  Here at PublicStuff we find we’re uncovering more and more data every day from the thousands of service requests we receive all over the country.  We’ve been able to tap into backend systems from years ago, organize it in our workflow system and combine that with newly gathered information through our CRM system.  As such, we’ve been able to help over 45 of our city partners to uncover years worth of development patterns and city trends to make more research backed decisions regarding city planning and much more. Our recent ESRI integration, that will allow us to integrate with multiple mapping layers, will further open the flood gates of information that cities are able to tap into.  To test out the data in your area, register your city today. The only question left is how will you utilize the data that’s out there to make your city even greater?